Hair loss is a common occurrence, especially as you grow older. About 40% of women experience hair loss before age 40, while two-thirds of men go through the same thing around the same period.
While it seems like a big deal, as it happens to many of us, hair loss can affect people not only physically but even emotionally. Many adults consider hair loss as their primary concern. To many women, their hair is a critical part of their life, and losing it affects how they interact with people. So even if it seems mundane, hair loss is a big deal for a lot of people.
However, more factors cause hair loss aside from age. Even younger people are at risk of losing their crowning glory.
Luckily, there are many hair loss treatments available out there. It is not that hard to find solutions to hair problems if you start experiencing them. All you need to do is comprehensive research to make sure whatever treatment you decide to have will be effective and yield the results you want.
If you are having some trouble about your receding locks, here is a guide on one of the popular hair loss treatments out there, scalp micropigmentation. Though, before that, let’s discuss what does cause hair loss.
Causes of Hair Loss
Here are some of the factors that increase the risk of hair loss:
- Heredity
- Pattern baldness, the most common cause of hair loss among both men and women, are commonly hereditary, especially if you have a family history of the condition. It can manifest as early as puberty.
- Hormonal Change
- Even without a strong family history, change in hormones can cause hair loss. Testosterone can create another hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), affecting the hair follicle cycle for men. Women usually experience hair loss due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and discontinuation use of birth control pills.
- Stress
- When you undergo extreme physical and emotional stress, you run the risk of losing strands on your crown. Physical shocks like an accident, high fever, or severe weight loss may lead to hair loss. Though, hair loss caused by stress is commonly temporary.
- Hair Products and Treatment
- Excessive use of products like wax and hairspray may lead to scalp irritation or hair loss. Hot oil treatments and perms may also cause inflammation of hair follicles, and, eventually, hair loss. However, even if you do not put your hair under different products and treatments, hairstyles that pull the hair, like cornrows and braids, may also cause hair loss if overdone.
- Medical Conditions
- Conditions like alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition that attacks the hair follicles, cause hair loss. Even other medical conditions like thyroid diseases also affect your crown.
- Medication
- Some medications that treat conditions such as cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, and heart problems have hair loss in its list of side effects.
Hair Loss Treatments
Like mentioned earlier, there are many hair loss treatments available out there. The causes of hair loss mentioned above have their own recommended solutions.
If a medical condition causes hair loss, it is best to treat that first. Some medications may prevent pattern baldness for both men and women. However, be reminded that some medications cause hair loss as well. So, you may want to ask your doctor about stopping the medication or finding an alternative.
There are also surgical operations that serve as treatments for hair loss. Surgical procedures like hair therapy implant patches of skin, containing hair, into the balding areas in your head. Another method is through scalp reduction, where the part of the scalp with hair is folded to cover the bald patch.
For general hair loss problems, a treatment growing in popularity, because of its aesthetic benefits, is scalp micropigmentation.
Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp Micropigmentation, also known as hair micropigmentation, is a cosmetic procedure that replicates the look of hair using pigments. Here, a certified permanent makeup artist creates small dots on the scalp, similar to tattooing, that resembles small hair follicles.
The procedure results in a look resembling a short, shaved style for men. If you’re not experiencing pattern or complete baldness, it can lessen the colour contrast of the scalp and hair, making your hair look fuller.
Scalp micropigmentation may also treat cases that are not hair related. It can help cover blemishes from surgeries and accidents, as well as blend birthmarks into the natural hair colour. However, do note that the procedure does not prevent hair loss problems, like balding and receding hairlines.
The whole micropigmentation process takes at least 2-3 sessions (each lasting around 2-3 hours) to achieve the desired results. The time differs to each person, depending on the current condition of their scalp. To know more about the specificities of the procedure, you may book a consultation with a PMU artist. Here, you can talk about your concerns, preparations, as well as choosing the right pigments for you.
Benefits of Scalp Micropigmentation
With the various options out there, how does scalp micropigmentation differ itself from other hair loss treatment? Here are some of the advantages of undergoing the said procedure:
- Safe
- As long as you choose proven, reputable pigments, scalp micropigmentation does not involve harmful chemicals with side effects. Also, unlike traditional tattooing, it does not take the needle deep into the skin, making possible infections less likely.
- Hides Imperfection
- As mentioned earlier, the procedure can also hide other imperfections, like, scars, discolouration, and other scalp problems.
- Fast Procedure and Recovery
- Scalp micropigmentation takes only a couple of sessions that last around 2-3 hours each, to get the results you want. As a result, the recovery period is shorter compared to invasive medical surgeries. You can go back to your regular routine after a couple of days.
- Little Maintenance
- You don’t need to spend a lot of time and money to maintain the results of your micropigmentation procedure. As long as you follow the instructions of your PMU artist, there is nothing to worry about.
- Affordable
- Scalp micropigmentation costs less compared to other hair loss treatments, especially those that require surgery. Also, aftercare usually doesn’t call for expensive maintenance products.

Scalp Micropigmentation in Singapore
Like mentioned earlier, scalp micropigmentation has grown in popularity, especially in Singapore. So, it is not hard to find a studio that works with state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained artists. Another thing to be keen on is the pigments to be used for your procedure. One popular pigment brand in Singapore is Swiss Color.
Swiss Color is a global company that offers an array of pigments. The company invested in years of research and development to come up with their pigments that are safe and free of heavy metals. Swiss Color introduces a wide array of pigments, in different shades, for various permanent makeup procedures to achieve your desired, natural result.
Swiss Color also trains semi-permanent makeup artists to master the principles of semi-permanent makeup and micropigmentation. Look for certified Swiss Color Artists in Singapore to get the best results for you.
To learn more about Swiss Color, you can visit our website.